Tuesday, April 22, 2014

NEWS FLASH: Update on the Khandroling Beautification Project!

Here is a quick update on the project and its funding:

As of Monday, April 21st, we have received $4275 in pledges for this project.  We have now ensured a second day of wood-chipping up on the land this coming May, and for this we are extremely grateful!

However, we are still falling almost $3000 short of our $7000 fundraising goal, which would ensure all three days of work that we estimate will be needed to complete the job.  The Tsegyalgar East Yellow Gakyil has let me know that they will be continuing to accept donations on a rolling basis towards our goal until the work is done in May, with the hopes of reaching our entire goal (we're already so close!).  If any funds are collected in excess of our goal, please know that they will be put to good use!  Any remaining funds for this project will go towards the preparation and beautification of Khandroling for this Summer's activities.

Please do consider giving to this very important project!  If you would like to participate in our collaboration request, please send the donation of your choice securely through our website via Paypal or email Harold our secretary at secretary@tsegyalgar.org to pledge your support in the timeline and method of your choosing.

Many Thanks for everyones swift participation towards making this project happen.   

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